miércoles, 29 de octubre de 2008

All Saints' Day

In Spain, like in other countries, we tradicionally celebrate All Saints' Day or All Saints on November 1st. It's a very ancient Catholic or Christian tradition. In terms of Roman Catholic theology, the feast commemorates all those who have attained the beatific vision in heaven, while the next day, All Souls' Day, commemorates the departed faithful who have not yet been purified and reached heaven.

In Spain, Portugal, Poland, Mexico, France, etc. people take some flowers to the graves of dead relatives and they also light candles and leave them there until they put out.

What do you think about this tradition? I suppose some time all of you have attended the graveyard with your family to visit the graves. Did you like to visit the graveyard? or do you think it's too sad? Tell us about it.

6 comentarios:

Sonia A. dijo...

I think that it's so sad. And I don't like to make the things because all people do it.

I believe that you have all the days of the year to think in the people that you have loved who aren't here now.

Ana Vázquez dijo...

Hi Sonia

I'm glad you go on writing. Very good!!

I think it's very sad too. However this tradition has always been present in our culture.

See you!!


Sonia A. dijo...
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
Sonia A. dijo...

Thank you Anna¡¡

I think that it's very interesting to continue with this blog.

Perhaps your new students eant to try to do it, I would like it¡

See you on thursday¡¡



Anónimo dijo...

"All Saints'Day"...Is it necessary to fix one day in the calendary to remember our dead relatives, or should we remember them every day during the year??
It means nothing for me because most of the people goes to the graveyard because is a tradition, not because they really feel it in their hearts...lots of this kind of people even didn't take care of them when they were alive...
Anyway, All Saints' Day is a good oportunity to think about life and death...Maybe it's sad but life involves good times and bad times and we cannot ignored it; we shouldn't avoid sad feelings as a relative's death. In my opinion we should face it.

Ana Vázquez dijo...

Hi Rosana

You write quite well, but I'd like to make you a couple of comments so that you can write even better.

"...go to the graveyard because it's a tradition"

Remember that after "people" we need a verb in plural form and we also need a subject in each sentence.

"as" it's a conjunction so we use it before a sentence with a subject and a verb, but when we are making comparisons we use "like", so we would say "like a relative's death"

See you!

Ana Vázquez