lunes, 24 de marzo de 2008

Olympic Games and tourism


Do you like the Olympic Games? The Olympic Games (often referred to simply as The Olympics or The Games[1]) is an international multi-sport event subdivided into summer and winter sporting events.

The original Olympic Games (Greek: Ολυμπιακοί Αγώνες; Olympiakoi Agones) began in 776 BC in Olympia, Greece, and was celebrated until AD 393.

This year the Olympics will be held in Beijing. Do you think this celebration can affect the the economy of the city or the tourism? How can tourism get the most of it?

Tell us about it.


The beautiful Florence. Can you live without visit Florence?
I will reply you. No
At the beginning of your arrival, you will feel the magic of this city. Like others Italian cities, Florence it's noisy, but not more than Rome.
Walk around the streets to get into the old city and no far away you will see the Doumo and his Campanari. Take a break and then you are ready to walk up his stairs.
I promise you that you can't forget that fantastic view¡
The historic palaces, the museums, the grandiose David...there're so much to see in Florence...
The best of all is that you can get walking to almost of the places, the worst it's the long queues that you have to support.
But problaby you finally said: It´s true Florence is a city of love, which is on the air¡
Before you go , visit the Neptuno fontain, at the Piazza di la Senoria. On your right hand, there's a bronze boar. The legend said that if you put a coin into his mouth and he eat it, you will come back to Florence.
And it's sure that you will desire that the boar eat it...

sábado, 22 de marzo de 2008

Zanzibar: the island of the spices

One of my dreams is to travel to zamzibar, and soon since at the moment the island does not have great agglomeration of tourist. It does some time the airlines established charter flights there, and the trips turn out to be now more attainable. Zanzibar is an archipelago formed by numerous islands. The majority they are small, but 2 major islands exist:
- Unguja: it is which colloquial she is called by the name of Zanzibar and where the capital is: Zanzibar city, whose old neighborhood was declared cultural patrimony of the Humanity, according to the UNESCO.
- Pemba: placed more in the northern part and with 980 kms of surface.
The archipelago is placed to a distance of 25-50 kms of the African continent.When you stoop the boat in Zanzibar, it will knock down the aroma of the nails. It is so sweeping that you feel that you will be unable to think about nothing different about his rich perfume during all your demurrage. But then you go to the Gardens Jamituri, just person in Stone Town's western levee. This former and dusty squareis the place of meeting of the city when young men, elders and seated children fall down the evening-, of foot or reclining they contemplate the late afternoon and the dhows (Arabic crafts) that appear in the water. Join to them to buy some of the freshest fish of the world. They will serve you octopus to the gridiron in small squares of periodic paperin a few counters illuminated only by lanterns. The experience is so particular of Zanzibar as the carved doors and the minarets that dominate the postcards.

miércoles, 19 de marzo de 2008


What do you know about Easter? It's a great feast around the world, but depending on where you live, the way people celebrate it could be very different.

In some countries, like Spain, there is a great tradition of Christian celebrations, as you can see in the photo.

However, beyond the Catholic Church, there are more non-religion Easter traditions, which include symbols like the Easter eggs or the Easter bunny.

For example, throughout North America, Australia and parts of the UK, the Easter holiday has been partially secularized, so that some families participate only in the attendant revelry, central to which is (traditionally) decorating Easter eggs on Saturday evening and hunting for them Sunday morning, by which time they have been mysteriously hidden all over the house and garden.

Chocolate eggs have largely supplanted decorated eggs in Australia.

In North America, eggs and other treats are delivered and hidden by the Easter Bunny in an Easter basket which children find waiting for them when they wake up. Many families in America will attend Sunday Mass or services in the morning and then participate in a feast or party in the afternoon.

Tell us, please, how you celebrate Easter. Everybody knows there are lots of ways of celebrating it. I'd like to know how other cultures or religions celebrate it.

See you soon!

Planning a trip?


Are you planning a trip? or maybe you are just travelling. If so, tell us about your trip, the journey or those things you are going to do or have done. If you haven't made any plans and you are going to improvise a trip, tell us too, because no many people can do it.

Otherwise if you are going to stay in, because you don't like to travel when everybody is doing it at the same time, you could tell us about what are you going to do: help the family with Easter pastries, study, read, ...

I'm waiting for your commments. Please, tell me something!


Are you looking for a job?

Are you looking for a job? If so, maybe I can help you. Oscar, one of your partners in the Tourism course at UNED, has already achieved to open a travel agency and he's looking for some employees, so, maybe, you can be one of them.

If you need more information about that, have a look at his blog.

Good luck!! and don't forget to go on writing in English. You'll need it in the near future, for your job and for your personal life and this is a good place to do it.

See you soon!

miércoles, 5 de marzo de 2008


Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.

On behalf of Iberia, may I welcome you to the presentation of our program “How to get rid of the fear of flying”.My name's Sonia and I'm the manager of this program.

Your company has called us, because there're a lot of executives that have to fly once or twice during the week, and they have fear of flying.
This morning I'm going to be showing you how to lose it and then I'll go on to highlight what I see as the main advantages of our system.

Then to summarize, your company has decided that you have to work calmy, because it's better for both of you. You don't need to work so pressured by fear.

Please, look at me. I'm the best example. I'm remembering my honeymoon. We had decided to travel to Florence. You're thinking and...? Ok . My husband had a tremendous fear of flying and we had to go by car. It's crazy¡ Romantic but crazy¡¡¡
Years ago, we decided that he had to do this program , because it's not good for your life because the fear doesn't give you the oportunity to do a lot of things.
Think about it please!

Perhaps, we can solve any questions you may have until the end of presentation.

Have a look at this graph, it's about sick leaves,
62% ..62% Take a sick leaves before a flight
..25% Take a sick leaves after a flight
..13% Other causes

As you can see most of the sick leaves are before and after the fly. Together they represent an 87% of the total. I,m sure that the message is that we have to solve this problem.

I'd like to concludeby repeating what I said at the beginning of this presentation:
You don't need to work so pressured by the fear and working together we will be able to resolve it.
Sonia Alonso.