sábado, 28 de marzo de 2009


Easter is the annual commemoration of the Christian churches that make the mystery of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Christ. To celebrate the anniversary of these events each year at the appropriate time the Christians celebrated the Resurrection of Christ (Easter).
This commemoration is prepared with the forty days of Lent. We began on Palm Sunday to the memory of Jesus triumphal entry into Jerusalem. On Holy Thursday we remember the Last Supper of Jesus with the apostles which instituted the sacrament of the Eucharist. On Friday we celebrated the Lord's passion and death on the Cross.
Holy Saturday, we had a waiting near the tomb of Christ, his resurrection we celebrate jubilantly that night at the Easter Vigil, which opens the great celebrations of the holy days of Passover. The Easter Vigil (Saturday night through Sunday) is the most solemn and important celebration throughout the Christian liturgical year.
That night, after sailing, singing Announcement of Easter, the readings are read from the Old Testament, especially the first Passover, the Jewish Passover is.
How other countries celebrate Easter?

2 comentarios:

Ana Vázquez dijo...

Hi Ramona

"...the commemoration of the Death and .... celebrated by the Christian Churches" is better. Remember the word order.

It doesn't have much sense this sentence: "To celebrate the anniversary..." It's a too complex sentence to explain something like: "Each year the Christians celebrate the Resurrection of Christ doing special activities on the day of his death". Remember to write the subject first.

"begin" in present, because you are talking about something that it's always true.

"...Jesus' last supper with the apostles in which he..."

"on Sunday, we celebrate..." in present, because we need present to talk about a routine.

"...we had a waiting" could be expressed "we wait for Christ resurrection near the tomb..." This resurrection is celebrated...

"...after sailing?" "...readings from the Old Testament are read on ...."

That "is" at the end of the sentence is a little missed.

"...How many other countries..."

Don't worry about the mistakes. It's a bit complicated to write about things like that, because you have a lot of information and you want to write it all. The best advice is: try to make it simple. Don't complicate with so heavy structures, because it is too difficult to keep the sense until the end. Don't write too many complex sentences together, it's easier to try to make it simple.

Don't worry!! Go on writing and you'll improve;I'm sure.

See you.

ramona dijo...

Hi Ana

Thank you very much for the advice.
Greetings Ramona.